The Kensington and Chelsea collections are designed to offer customers the flexibility of a fully customizable sectional program in a simplified and streamlined manner. The standard frames are available in either a deep (41") or shallow (37") version with standard or oversize seat cushions for an ultra-comfortable “lived in” look and feel. In addition to the variety of popular upholstery options, the collections offer greater value, complimentary 21” piped toss pillows (self or contrast) and plush featherwrapped seat and feather back cushions.
Below are some examples of different styles that can be achieved by customization options within the program.
See S-Series Custom Sectional 8441 Kensington Worksheet for photo reference)
See S-Series Custom Sectional 8437 Chelsea Worksheet for photo reference)

LAF Chaise + RAF Sofa Slope Arm + 3" Block Leg

LAF Chaise + RAF Sofa Slope Arm + 3" Block Leg

Slope Arm Block Legs

Rolled Arm Turned Legs

Slope Arm Block Legs

Pull up top